PČOLA informs
On April 22, the Slovak Union for the Preservation of Nature (SZOPK) activists with cooperation of the Free Time Centre, Regional Culture Centre, members of Severka Tramp's Cottage and PS city organization prepared Earth-Day - information posters were put up around the town's pedestrian zone. The exhibition informed on: reclaimed stock segregation; prevention of unnecessary, unrecyclable packaging appearing; nuclear energy; pro-ecological life style; green activists and primary school children handicrafts. During the day the smallest painted a picture of our planet on a pavement as well as natural environment and human impact on it. More mature activists wrote advice for the Earth and the town's self-government, stitched the ozone hole up; youngsters polled the population asking: would you buy a milk in a glass bottle if you have a choice? The inquiry was anonymous. Among 400 distributed inquiry sheets, 325 came back. 7 participants replied "I don't know" and 2 answered "no". The rest were for using glass, returnable bottles.
We will be glad to meet all this year's participants for the next similar event.
On April 22, during the Earth-Day celebration, OKV SZOPK with the cooperation of VPS, Stará ¼ubovòa established several events and competitions. Herewith, please find the names of the winners.
As concerns the action "Cleanliness around us" we speak well of Primary Schools in Plaveè and Chme¾nica and Secondary School in Stará ¼ubovòa, which informed us about their activities.
A schoolboy from Primary School in Ve¾ky Lipník won the action "Dangerous Battery", collecting 417 pieces of used batteries and helping this way to clean up our soils and waters. Jano Šteták from Stará ¼ubovòa and A. Murcková from Plaveè also will get symbolic prizes.
"Glass in a village" was the next event, in which pupils from Primary Schools in Ve¾ky Lipník, Plaveè and Haligovce took part.
Ondrej Šlachtovský, a schoolboy from Ve¾ký Lipník was the winner, collecting 3183 pieces of used glass.
The longest "bottlesnakes" were prepared by a team representing a Primary School in Mnišek n. Popradom and a team of the second and third years pupils from Primary School in Stará ¼ubovòa.
Both teams will be awarded a trip worth 3000,- Sk. We hope it will inspire them for our next activities. We thank also first year pupils from St. Hoffbauer's Primary School in Podolíniec, Primary School in Ve¾ky Lipník, students of Commercial Academy and Vocational Secondary School for Machine Construction.
Pupils from Primary School in Chme¾nica participated in the action "Old-New", preparing different products made from rubbish.
Now the products are a part of a schools exhibition. 7 year-old Martin Mrug from a Primary School in Stará ¼ubovòa became the cleverest "Aluminium Master" of this competition. V.E., Ivanka Girgošová, other children from ¼ubovòa's kindergarten and Anièka Bartkovská from Ve¾ký Lipník will also get prizes.
Plastic cups collected by pupils from Plaveè, Ve¾ký Lipník, Stará ¼ubovòa will be used for planting quicksets. Prizes will be delivered to Marek Borovský from Ve¾ký Lipník and V.B. Tešla from Plaveè. Thanks to all those who participated or helped to organise the competitions. Congratulations to the winners. We are very glad of further cooperation during the next actions.
The Slovak Union for the Preservation of Nature (SZOPK) as a member of the international organization FOE - the Earth's Children, began with the cooperation of the Dutch NGO Milieudefensie a campaign to encourage people to use returnable packages. Returnable packages will no longer fill up our rubbish heaps,or the scrap-heaps of the neighbouring states! They can be used many more times not only in our state. They should be made from such materials, that are not exclusively recycleable (glass, tin, paper etc.) New systems and concepts of packaging design (minimalising, the saving of used materials) are also a constant part of the campaign. Other important factors are: promoting a broad distribution net of returnable packaging, covering the whole of Slovakia; marking correctly the methods of the material's recycling on the packaging and placing on it the price. The whole Slovakian campaign for returnable packages is held by the regional SZOPK, Stará ¼ubovòa. For more information contact:
Nam. sv. Mikulá?a č 16
064 01 Stará Lubovňa
tel./fax: 0963/220-34.
Ela Polačková?tefanová
OKV SZOPK Secretary