Editors' note
The "Green Brigades" Publishing House (the publisher of Green Brigades - Ecologists' Paper) has taken upon itself the publishing of the quarterly magazine Grasshopper. The idea of the magazine -- whose title is perhaps not the best -- is to provide information about the environmental problems in the Eastern Carpathian region (the southern part of Polish Małopolska, northeastern Slovakia, and western Ukraine), to support the exchange of information, and to establish relations among environmental organizations in the region (or to strengthen already existing ones). The paper will be published in English and Polish, and -- if conditions permit -- also in Slovak and Ukrainian (in that case all texts would be published in two languages - the original language and English).
We ask you to send us all information that, in your opinion, should be placed in Grasshopper. We will be especially thankful for:
- Suggestions regarding the title of the magazine. In our opinion, it should be understandable to Poles, Slovaks, and Ukrainians and, of course, be connected to the contents of the paper.
- Information about your organization/activities/plans which you would like us to publish in Grasshopper.
- Any other materials (on local ecological problems, for example) for publication in Grasshopper.
- Help translating texts into English.
- Suggestions regarding the contents of the paper.
- Addresses of organizations/ institutions/persons that might be interested in getting in contact with us or receiving the paper.
We will be extremely thankful if your texts will be bilingual (in your native language and English), even if the English translation is quite rough. So far we are not able to rewrite Slovak and Ukrainian texts to our computer, so please send them in a digital (computer) form (the diskettes can be both 3.5" and 5.25").
Printed thanks to a donation from
the Environmental Partnership for Central Europe
- a Project of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S.A.
Piotr Rymarowicz