Ecoplasma - info
This summer the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) is creating a new magazine called Ecoplasma, which will be circulated all over Europe. This dynamic greenzine is aiming at becoming the main channel of discussion among the young European greenies. Ecoplasma will be published every two months, available both in English and French. Every issue will be centered around a current theme. The articles will be mainly written by young euro-greenies, but some experts of certain fields will be asked for contributions too. In every Ecoplasma there will be also an agenda of FYEG projects and other interesting events in Europe. Some pages are reserved for discussion and letters to the editor. Ecoplasma is for you and your friends: it's for the exchange of your ideas and projects on a continental level.
Curious? Want to know more? If so, order your first free issue of Ecoplasma!
The first Ecoplasma will discuss a very fundamental matter: A green vision of democracy - Europe in the 21st century. Which definitely can't leave us cold!
For more information contact: Ralf Margreiter, Frauenfelderstr. 74, 8404 Wintorthur, tel./fax 41/52/2425631.