Green Economic Initiative
Green Economic Initiative is a project initiated by the Foundation for the Support of Ecological Initiatives with the financial support of Non-Governmental Organisations Fund and in cooperation with Flamino Cesano SRL and Polish non-governmental organization Podlaska Stacja Przyrodnicza "NAREW”.
Our project is ment to be a complex answer to raising environmental effectiveness of small business (including small and micro-enterprises) in the Cracow region. To reach this goal we shall form a cross-sector PARTNERSHIP of at least 40 firms, NGOs, schooling and scientific institutions and public administration units responsible for the development of private enterprise and protection of the environment. All of these firms and institutions shall form the core of the partnership.
The partnership is open to new members – they may be admitted at any time and the only requirement is signing a declaration of support for the project. The groups main communication channel will be the mailing list.
Our actions will include:
1. monitoring press releases and economic information sources to keep in touch with the latest environmental standards, supply, distribution and promotion methods.
2. interviewing over 100 environmentally friendly small enterprises in Cracow which shall help us prepare a detailed cooperation strategy for entrepreneurs, NGOs and public institutions.
3. individual counselling for partnership members to discuss raising environmental standards, supply and distribution methods or promotion.
4. group seminars during which member-firms tackle issues from various areas of interest.
5. an international conference aimed at promoting the partnership, presenting the effects of members' group seminars, discussing the strategy and recommendations for the branch, pointing out good practices in the field of sustainable development on the local level – both from Poland and abroad. Local exchange systems and complementary currencies will be important topic.
In the course of our market and sector research, members' group seminars and the conference we hope to prepare and publish 3 reports from different areas of interest. These shall help us in establishing the best strategies of cooperation. The reports include a summary of our project with an overview of the partnership and a post-conference publication on good practices (focusing mainly on examples from abroad). Once ready, the publications shall be distributed amongst „Green Economic
Initiative”-members and the media. On-line versions will also be available.
Promoting the partnership and its members by starting a special website and newsletter, handing out leaflets, ecobags, wristbands for cyclists, setting up promotion stands, advertising in the media or participating in regional fairs and festivals will also be part of the project.
The project lasts 17 months. During this time members of the partnership will tighten their cooperation, raise environmental standards and learn about good practices in other countries.
Participation in the project along with all its privileges is free of charge.
Please feel free to contact us at:
Foundation for the Support of Ecological Initiatives
Sławkowska 12 III p.
31-014 Kraków
Coordinator of the Project – Andrzej Żwawa
tel.: + 48 603 363 721
skype: andrzej.zwawa