Ecological Map of Cracow

Only some locations were chosen from Ecological Virtual Fairs and marked on the map. On this particular website more information about other companies and institutions can be found.
The Map includes also cycle tracks.
The most recent listing of containers for segregating waste as well as stale medicine is available at the moment printing of the map. The Cracov City Hall will introduce an updated listing in spring 2006.
Some of the waste containers and Polish Red Cross containers for clothes as well as chemist’s shops collecting the stale medicines are located beyond the map area.
The map includes i.e.:
addresses of public institutions, NGOs, containers for waste’s segregations, Polish Red Cross containers for clothes, vegetarian restaurants, health food shops and many others...
Ecological Map of Cracov was prepared by Fundacja Wspierania Inicjatyw Ekologicznych – Wydawnictwo „Zielone Brygady” („Green Brigades” Publishing House). Publication of the map was possible thanks to donation from „Fundusz Inicjatyw Obywatelskich”.
Fundacja Wspierania Inicjatyw Ekologicznych
Wydawnictwo „Zielone Brygady”
Sławkowska 12 III p.
31-014 Kraków
tel./fax: 48 12 4222264, 4222147
tel. 603363721
Okręgowe Przedsiębiorstwo Geodezyjno-Kartograficzne
w Krakowie Spółka z o.o.
ul. Grzegórzecka 10, 31 - 530 Kraków
tel. (012) 421 09 83, fax (012) 421 76 80
Ecological Map of Cracow
I edition
Cracow 2005
format: A2, 2 color pages
price: 0 PLN